Tuesday 10 October 2017

Forex Trading Valuta Verktøy For Velvære

Valutaterminkontrakter. Valutaterminskontrakter brukes som valutasikring når en investor har plikt til enten å foreta eller ta utbytte i fremmed valuta på et tidspunkt i fremtiden. Hvis datoen for utenlandsk valuta og den siste handelsdatoen for Valutatransmisjonskontrakten er sammenliknet. Investoren har faktisk låst i valutakursbeløpet. Ved å låse inn en terminkontrakt for å selge en valuta, setter selgeren en fremtidig valutakurs uten forutsetningskostnad. For eksempel er en amerikansk eksportør signerer en kontrakt i dag for å selge maskinvare til en fransk importør Vilkårene i kontrakten krever at importøren betaler euro på seks måneder. Eksportøren har nå en kjent eurofordring. I løpet av de neste seks månedene vil dollarenes verdi av euro-fordringen stige eller faller avhengig av svingninger i valutakursen For å redusere sin usikkerhet om valutakursretningen, kan eksportøren velge å låse i den hastigheten han vil s ell euro og kjøp dollar på seks måneder For å oppnå dette, sikrer han euro fordringen ved å låse i en forward. This ordningen etterlater eksportøren fullt beskyttet dersom valutaen avtar under kontraktsnivå Men han gir opp alle fordeler dersom valutaen setter pris på Faktisk er selgeren av en terminkurs overfor ubegrensede kostnader hvis valutaen setter pris på. Dette er en stor ulempe for mange selskaper som anser dette for å være den sanne kostnaden for en terminkontraktsdekning. For selskaper som anser dette for å være bare en mulighetskostnad, vil dette aspekt av en forward er en akseptabel kostnad Av denne grunn er fremover et av de minst tilgivende sikringsinstrumentene fordi de krever at kjøperen nøyaktig estimerer fremtidig verdi av eksponeringsbeløpet. Som andre fremtidige og terminkontrakter har valutaterminskontrakter standard kontraktstørrelser, tidsperioder, oppgjørsprosedyrer og handles på regulerte børser over hele verden Fremmed valuta fremover Kontrakter kan ha forskjellige kontraktstørrelser, tidsperioder og oppgjørsprosedyrer enn terminkontrakter. Valutaterminskontrakter anses å være over-the-counter OTC fordi det ikke er sentralisert handelssted og transaksjoner utføres direkte mellom parter via telefon og nettbaserte handelsplattformer ved tusenvis av steder over hele verden. Utviklet og vokst på slutten av 70-tallet da regjeringer slapp av kontrollen over sine valutaer. Brukes hovedsakelig av banker og selskaper til å håndtere valutarisiko. Lar brukeren låse seg inn eller sette en fremtidig valutakurs. Partene kan levere valutaen eller avgjøre forskjellen i priser med kontanter. Eksempel Valuta Forward Kontrakter Corporation A har en utenlandsk del i Italia som vil sende den 10 millioner euro i seks måneder Corp A vil måtte bytte euro for euroene den vil motta fra sub I andre ord, Corp A er lange euro og korte dollar Det er korte dollar fordi det må kjøpe dem i nea r fremtidig Corp A kan vente seks måneder og se hva som skjer i valutamarkedene eller inngå en valutaterminskontrakt. For å oppnå dette kan Corp A forkorte terminkontrakten, eller euro, og gå lenge dollar. Corp A går til Citigroup og mottar et tilbud på 935 på seks måneder Dette tillater Corp A å kjøpe dollar og selge euro Nå vil Corp A kunne konvertere 10 millioner euro til 10 millioner x 935 935.000 dollar i seks måneder. Noen måneder fra nå hvis prisene er på 91 , Corp A vil være ekstatisk fordi det vil ha innsett en høyere valutakurs Hvis frekvensen har økt til 95, vil Corp A fortsatt motta 935 den opprinnelig kontrakt for å motta fra Citigroup, men i dette tilfellet vil Corp A ikke ha mottatt nytte av en mer gunstig valutakurs. Forex Valutahandel. Til tross for at Forex anses som det største finansmarkedet i hele verden, er det relativt ukjent terreng for en detaljhandel. Så om du er nybegynner når det gjelder FX eller y du anser deg som noen som trenger et oppfriskningskurs om de få grunnleggende om valutahandel, er det viktig å forsyne deg med så mye informasjon som du kan få, slik at du blir guidet godt. Hvor valuta kan handles. Til tross for at det er noen handelsmenn som ville eksplodere seg for å handle eksotiske valutaer som tsjekkisk koruna eller thai baht, vil fortsatt de fleste handelsmenn velge de syv mest likvide valutaparene som finnes i verden, noen av de fire majors vil inkludere EUR USD euro dollar GBP USD britisk pund dollar USD JPY dollar japansk yen USD CHF dollar sveitsisk franc. De tre vareparene ville derimot inkludere USD CAD dollar Kanadisk dollar AUD USD Australsk dollar dollar NZD USD New Zealand dollar dollar. Videre, når vi snakker om valutahandel, Du bør også lære om jargongene som ofte brukes på markedet. Her er noen av dem som du bør bli kjent med Cable, sterling, pound - brukt til GBP Aussie - kallenavn giv en til australsk dollar Greenback, buck - brukt til amerikansk dollar Swissie - kort navn for sveitsisk franc Kiwi - kallenavn for New Zealand dollar Loonie, den lille dollaren - referer til kanadiske dollar Yard - en milliard enheter Figur - FX term som bare betyr en runde Nummer som 1 2000.Do vil du vite hvordan du lager tusenvis av dollar mens du sitter i lenestolen Forex Trading Market kan tjene deg mye penger. Postet av Natural Wellness Cosmatic Products på 1 43 AM 0 comments. A lot of forex traders tror at bare fordi de er kjent med vilkårene og trenderne i markedet, vil de lett tjene skummende fortjeneste og millioner tilbake i investeringer. Sannheten er at det er for smart eller for analytisk at det ikke kommer til å fungere i valutahandel. For å si det enkelt, å være smart og tjene penger er IKKE kompatible Denne artikkelen vil gå nærmere i detalj om hvordan dette har vist seg sant for mange handelsmenn som deltar i markedene. Normalt i en vanlig 9 til 5 jobb blir du betalt mer avhengig av hvor mye innsats du legger i den jobben Men det gjelder ikke for utenlandsk valuta, jo flere ganger du investerer pengene dine rett ut fra brudd, trender og prisendringer, jo mer penger du tjener. Du tjener ikke penger basert på handelssignaler du lager , og det er derfor ikke lagt vekt på hvor smart du har satt dine signaler, men på det resultatet som kommer fra det. Å miste i forex-handel er ikke et alternativ, spesielt når det allerede er mye investert allerede. Derfor er det viktig at du unngå disse to vanlige handelsfeilene som smarte øyne har en tendens til å spurt når trading.1 Komplekse handelssystemer gjør vanligvis ting vanskeligere, så prøv å ikke gjøre ting for komplisert når du velger dine valutaer. Enkelte systemer fungerer som regel de beste, og du er mer kjent med det.2. Skarpe forexhandlere ser vanligvis markeder som de vil se det ikke som det er For eksempel er noen forexhandlere for sta til å akseptere at markedsprisen alltid er riktig. Timothy Stevens er en Forex Options Trader Hvem eier - Han har hjulpet hundrevis av mennesker på Trading Forex med Options. Posted av Natural Wellness Cosmatic Products på 1 41 AM 0 comments. When deltar i Forex trading markeder, er det alltid et pluss å ha en forex megler o veilede deg i Dine beslutninger når du handler Dessverre med det enorme fortjenestepotensialet som er involvert i utenlandsk valuta, har noen meglere en tendens til å bruke sin kunnskap og ferdigheter til å utnytte folk og deres penger. Å velge riktig megler er faktisk ganske enkelt, men du kan filtrere de gode fra de dårlige basert på deres tjenester de tilbyr under dine økter med dem. Så hvordan velger du en forex megler klokt Ved å huske på disse kriteriene, vil du kunne leie megleren som vil sikre din suksess i forex trading. Keep in Husk meglerens rolle, som er å transaksere dine valutasignaler til markedet effektivt og jevnt. Don t avhenge av megleren for å gjøre valutahandelsavgjørelsene for deg. Er han eller hun lading y ou andre avgifter Prøv å telle tilfeller når megleren slipper i noen diverse gebyrer for hans eller hennes tjenester. Trafikkplattform - meglere vil vanligvis la deg prøve å kjøre en handelsplattform gjennom demo kontoer. Gå alltid til meglere som lar deg ta rattet inn hver plattform. Support - meglere som gir sin støtte døgnet rundt når du trenger det, er alltid de beste valgene. Margin og Leverage - alltid ta hensyn til innflytelsen din megler vil gi deg. Garantert Stopp - se etter meglere som er villige til å tilby stopp og negativ balanse beskyttelse i tilfelle noe går galt i løpet av trading session. Minimum innskudd - det er alltid praktisk å ansette meglere som tilbyr online betalingsmetoder med minimum innskudd, som vil gjøre det mulig for deg å sjekke kontoene dine og trekke penger. Timothy Stevens er en Forex Options Trader som eier - Han har hjulpet hundrevis av mennesker på Trading Forex med Options. Posted av Natural Wellness Cosmatic Products på 1 39 AM 0 kommentarer . Hvis du er en aktiv forex-handelsmann og planlegger å kjøpe et valutahandelssystem, må du kjøpe et system som er i stand til å reprodusere sporrekord betydelig og vil tjene deg stor fortjeneste på markedet. Mange valutahandel systemer blir solgt på nettet, er ikke i stand til å gjøre dette, så denne artikkelen vil hjelpe deg med å finne ut hvilket system som fungerer gjennom disse sentrale punktene. Sjekk om systemet har en suksessrate på om lag 2-3 år, fortell fortjeneste. Disse typer systemer er normalt lyd og stabilt, slik at du ikke trenger å bekymre deg for å miste mye penger på det valutahandelssystemet du har kjøpt. Feil hypotetiske simuleringer når du velger et valutahandelssystem De fleste sporoppføringene er de som sender handelssignaler basert på tilbake data eller hypotetiske simuleringer, så du må sørge for at leverandøren ikke har bøyet eller kurvet montert systemet slik at det passer til slike data. For å si det enkelt, er det ingen garanti når det gjelder hypotetisk ytelse. Sjekk alltid hvis systemet er et kurvmontert system Du vil vite om et system er slik fordi gevinsten som er knyttet til det virker for godt til å være sant, så vær alltid forsiktig med at slike systemer blir solgt på markedet. Dette er ikke normalt i forex trading siden normale systemer vanligvis fungerer under noen få regler og parametere, og at de handler alle slags valutaer med de samme regler. Timothy Stevens er en Forex Options Trader som eier - Han har hjulpet hundrevis av mennesker på Trading Forex med Options. Posted by Natural Wellness Kosmatiske produkter på 1 37 AM 0 kommentarer. Hvis du er noen som nylig har hørt om valutahandling for første gang, er du med all sannsynlighet spent på de potensielle å få litt ekstra inntekt. Etter hvert som flere og flere oppdager de store pengene som gjør potensialet av valutahandel fortsetter forexmarkedene å vokse. Valutahandel, som andre typer finansiell handel, betyr å kjøpe lav og dumping høy. Bortsett fra i dette tilfellet handles utenlandsk valuta i stedet av aksjer På samme måte som aksjer vokser og avtar valutaen. Det er en ideell ide når du tenker på det. Hvis du kjøper en valuta når det er billig og deretter avhenger av det når det går i pris, tjener du penger. Selv om vi vet dette virker ukomplisert i teorien, er det en rekke ting du må vurdere før du dykker inn i forex trading. For eksempel er det flere valutapar som kan behandles. En person kan faktisk ikke holde oversikt over dataene for alle disse forskjellige valutaene. Plus, selv når du kan fokusere på en eller to gode valutaer å observere, hvordan skjønner du når det er riktig tidspunkt å kjøpe eller selge. Du kan gjerne bruke valutamarkedsanalyse av programvare som kan generere penger for deg Disse programmene programmeres av prohandlere og datamaskiner og de undersøker automatisk forexmarkederne på egenhånd. Disse programmene vil påpeke når det er tid til å kjøpe og selge, og også hvilke valutapar som skal håndtere. Ikke bekymre deg, det er ikke nødvendig å være en PC e xpert å bruke et valutaprogram De fleste av disse programmene er utformet på en måte som gjør det enkelt for alle å operere. De vil også typisk ha en demomodus som går gjennom prosessen mens du lærer programmet. Dette er en god funksjon, som du vil ikke miste penger gjennom valutamarkedene mens du fortsatt lærer å bruke programvaren. Normalt kan du teste ut programvarerisikoen gratis, siden de beste programvarene ikke har noe problem som gir deg et pengene tilbake løfte. Dette lar deg bruke programmet, og finn ut om det er like brukervennlig som det lover. Dette moneyback-løftet lar deg bruke programmet for å sikre at du er fornøyd med hvordan det fungerer. For mange som ikke har handelserfaring, kan man komme inn i valutahandel ganske skremmende Heldigvis, med et forex trading program, er det enkelt å komme i gang med tillit. Spesielt i begynnelsen drar nybegynnere ofte fordelene av å stole på pålitelige handelsfunn av programvaren for å tjene penger g enerating trades. As handelsfolk utvikle mer erfaring, kan de gjøre handler på egenhånd. Det er imidlertid det er også anbefalt å bruke et valuta trading program selv etter at du er forbi begynnerens scenen Ved å bruke et handelsprogram vil du få ekstra penger, og det hjelper også med å gi deg kunnskap om markedene. Bruke et forex trading program gir deg en rask måte å tjene på forex markeder, spesielt hvis du bare lærer om markedene. Klikk her for å sjekke ut topprangerte Forex programmet og Lær hvordan du starter en gratis prøveversjon. Innlagt av Natural Wellness Cosmatic Products klokken 1 33 AM 0 comments. Wednesday, April 15, 2009.FOREX er en ekstra metode for å tjene lønnsom inntekt online. For de som ikke er trygge med navnet, FOREX FORREIN EXTERN MARKED , refererer til et verdensomspennende valutamarked hvor valutaer er kjøpt og solgt. Valutakurs er det største og mest flytende markedet i verden av handel, omtrent 2 billioner hver dag som er over 30 ganger daglig. av NASDAQ og NYSE fusjonert Forex-markedet er et klar penge interbank interdealer-marked, dette betyr at utenlandske valutaer gjør forretninger i forexmarkedet handles rett mellom banker, utenlandsk valutaforhandlere og forex aksjonærer som ønsker å avgrense, formod eller hekk fremmed valuta trussel. Hvordan virker FOREX Works Forhandlinger i utenlandsk penger ikke grunnleggende på en bytte, ikke som å si NYSE, og derfor foregår på hele verden via telekommunikasjon. Handelen er åpen 24 timer, fra søndag ettermiddag til fredag ​​ettermiddag i nesten Hver tidszone som dekker verden Etter at du har truffet en beslutning om hvilken valuta aksjeeieren ønsker å skaffe seg, gjør han eller hun det via en av disse forhandlerne. Det er ganske generell praksis for investorer å tenke på valutapriser ved å få en kredittlinje som er tilgjengelig for de med eiendeler som er mindre enn 500, og øker eskalere sine sannsynlige gevinster og tap. Dette er identifisert som marginell handel Hva er Marginal Trading Marginalhandel er rent uttrykket som brukes til handel med lånekapital Det er fristende for grunnen til at detaljene i FOREX-besparelser kan fullføres uten penger i sann penger. Dette tillater investorer å fremføre mye mer penger med mindre penger overføre kostnader og åpne større posisjoner med en mye mindre mengde bestemt kapital. Derfor kan man utføre relativt store transaksjoner, svært raskt og billig, med et lite antall innledende ressurser. Marginalhandel i et børsmarked er oppført i mange. Begrepet mye sender til omtrent 100 000, en mengde som kan få tak i ved å sette opp så lite som 0 5 eller 500. CASE IN POINT Du antar at indikasjonene i markedet representerer at det britiske pund vil bevege seg mot den amerikanske dollar du påbegynn 1 mye for å importere pundet med en 1 margin til en verdi av 1 49889 og pause for bytteavgiften for å stige. På et bestemt tidspunkt i prospektet vil din foreca Jeg kommer til å ta en beslutning om å selge. Du låser stillingen på 1 5050 og brutto 61 pips eller ca 405. På et originalt kapitalprosjekt på 1000, har du fullført over 40 i fortjeneste. Bare som en forekomst av hvordan valutakursene Endre i løpet av en dag, en vanlig daglig forandring av euroen i dollar er omtrent 70 til 100 pips. Når du gjør tankene dine for å låse en stilling, blir innskuddssummen du opprinnelig gjort tilbake til deg og en beregning av Din inntekt eller tap er ferdig Denne inntekten eller debet blir da tilskrevet din konto. Om forfatteren Tjen penger i forexen Kan FAP Turbo virkelig hjelpe deg med å tjene penger på autopilot i forex Ikke kjøp FAP Turbo før du vet hva du kjøper Klikk linken nedenfor for å finne ut hva du trenger å se etter for å tjene penger i Forex. Postet av Natural Wellness Cosmatic Products kl 10 11 PM 0 comments.12 Ting jeg lærte ved å være en Forex Trader. For de siste 6 månedene har jeg vært en forex handelsmann jeg startet denne exp opplevd av nysgjerrighet, ganske raskt, for å være ærlig, og avsluttet det plutselig forhåpentligvis, vil du skjønne hvorfor ved å lese denne artikkelen. Det var uten tvil en av de mest spennende, spennende, følelsesmessig forbrukerne og nyttige når det gjelder leksjoner som lærte episoder av min livet Det var også en av de vanskeligste forsøkene jeg noensinne har startet, når det gjelder energi og innsats. Hva følger er en liten liste over alle tingene jeg lærte i løpet av disse 6 månedene. Men før du drar inn i det, noen innledende ord, for de som ikke aner hva forex trading er i utgangspunktet Hvis du har en ide om forex trading, kan du trygt hoppe over de to neste avsnittene. Forex Trading A Primer. Forex betyr valutakurser, og forex trading betyr å kjøpe eller selge utenlandske valutaer i par Hvis offentlige selskaper har aksjer som du fritt kan kjøpe og selge på markedet, så har land valutaer Det er den enkleste måten å forstå en valuta, det er verdien av det landet på omtrent samme måte som en sh representerer verdien av et selskap. Nå er en aksjeverdi et uttrykk for hva folk er enige om å betale for det, basert på en rekke kriterier for selskapets ytelse, merkevarekraft, rykter og så videre. Deretter vurderes en landvaluta mot en annen valuta i landet, basert på et sett med kriterier for den økonomiske situasjonen i begge landene, politiske nyheter, mediemanipulering og så videre. I forex handler du par, som å selge EUR og få USD, for eksempel Det er noen få store par , EURUSD er en av dem, så er det det de vanligvis kaller krysser eller sekundære par. I de store, finner du alle de store spillerne GBP britisk pund, også kjent som kabel, JPY Yen, CHF Swiss Franc og så videre jeg bare handlet majors, kryss har vanligvis en lavere likviditet. Veldig enkelt sett, forex trading betyr at du kan gjøre bare 2 ting med disse parene kan du enten kjøpe noen eller selge noen. Bruk av hvilken kapital du vil investere, det er Hvis du kjøper, da forventer du prisen på din par for å være større i en viss tid Du kaller den takknemlighet Med andre ord, forventer du å få fortjeneste fordi du forutser at prisen på valutaen din blir høyere Hvis du selger, forventer du at prisen på valutaen din kommer til å slippe deg ring denne avskrivningen Så i utgangspunktet vil du tjene penger ved å kjøpe tilbake paret ditt når det blir billigere da det var da du solgte det. Hver handel kalles vanligvis posisjon. Du åpner en posisjon til en viss pris, og stiller inn holdningen din hvis du kjøpe, sier jargongen at du går lenge, hvis du selger, sier jargongen at du går kort derfor uttrykket for å kortslutte en valuta, noe som betyr at du selger den på grunn av den overhengende avskrivningen. Når du åpner, vil hver posisjon generere et overskudd eller tap, Avhengig av ditt valg lenge eller kort, og hvordan markedet beveger seg La oss si at du åpnet en lang posisjon på EURUSD for 100, noe som ga deg 80 EUR Markedet går opp, så nå for den første investeringen, kan du få tilbake 90 EUR hvis du lukker din posisjon også kno wn som ta fortjeneste, du er 10 EUR rikere Anta at markedet går ned og din posisjon er nå verdt 70 EUR Hvis du lukker posisjonen din, også kjent som stop-loss i dette tilfellet, blir du 10 EUR kortere. Du har nettopp mistet 10 EUR. I et nøtteskall , det er stort sett alt som er å være kjent om forex trading, i hvert fall for å forstå resten av artikkelen Selvfølgelig, disse avsnittene er bare å skrape overflaten bokstavelig talt, mengden informasjon om forex er ginormous Det er mye av andre ting som skal bli kjent eller lært, fra teknisk analyse, som lysestake kartlegging, pris handlinger og så videre, opp til trading tenkemåte, som å unngå hevn handler, holde seg til en handelsplan og så videre. Dette innlegget er ikke ment som ressurs for de som ønsker å omfavne forex trading Jeg er ikke sikker på at jeg vil skrive et slikt innlegg nå, men bare som en måte å integrere denne spesifikke opplevelsen i min livsstil Hvis du vurderer å åpne en handelskonto, gir Fx Pro noen nyttige opplysninger. Forex Tradi ng aktiviteten. Den første du trenger å vite om faktisk trading forex er at dette er en 5-dagers-i-en-rad type aktivitet Det starter mandag klokken 00 og slutter fredag ​​kl 23 59 I løpet av denne tiden er du nesten 100 er knyttet til markedet Det er få økonomiske knutepunkter involvert i prosessen, og det viktigste er for de som handler majors, det er London Børs, New York Exchange og Tokyo Exchange Forex trading, stopper aldri virkelig, slik verden går rundt vil prisen også bli påvirket av spesifikasjonene til de rådende finansielle knutepunktene. Den viktigste delen av dagen er tradisjonelt den overlappende tiden mellom London og New York, fordi du angivelig får den høyeste likviditeten, og dermed de mest forutsigbare modellene. Der er 3 typer informasjon som påvirker dette markedet teknisk analyse, grunnleggende analyse og nyheter Teknisk analyse forsøker å isolere tilbakevendende eller forutsigbare mønstre basert på tidligere oppførsel Fundamental analyse forsøker å forbinde t de store økonomiske indikatorene til verdien av valutaen fra BNP-variasjoner, opp til mer uklare økonomiske data. Nyheter er stort sett skapt av media og politikk, og disse er de mest spikete, noe som betyr at de skaper brå variasjoner som gjør det enkelt å være fanget med buksene dine, så å si. Jeg handlet hovedsakelig på teknisk analyse. Betydning Jeg prøvde å forstå diagramvarianter, forskjellige prishandlinger og andre representasjonsmodeller. Syntes det sikreste for meg. Det er store fortaler for den grunnleggende handel, så vel som nyhetshandel Til slutt er det bare et valg. Opplæring ved teknisk analyse betyr også at jeg måtte bruke mye tid på å studere diagrammer og prøve å skape pålitelige spådommer. I seg selv var denne aktiviteten veldig givende, jeg lærte enormt og mange ting jeg oppdaget i løpet av denne prosessen, ville aldri ha kommet inn i mitt univers uten risiko for å dykke i. For eksempel lærte jeg mye om harmoniske mønstre, noe som er en måte å grappe på heksisk isolere i ulike mønstre, som sommerfuglmønsteret, for eksempel oppførelsen av markedet. Disse tingene kan bare brukes på mange områder av mitt liv. Nå har du litt forståelse av hva forex trading betyr. Det er tid til å flytte videre til de faktiske leksjonene som læres av å være en forex handler.1 Du kan ikke kontrollere livet ditt, men du kan fortsatt ta litt fortjeneste fra det. Ingen kan styre markedene Men det er noen som tar en fortjeneste fra dem Det er en av de første a-ha-øyeblikkene som en handelsmann snubler over, er det også en av de vanskeligste å forstå. Når det gjelder personlig utvikling, er det en annen måte å si at livet ikke er rettferdig. Det var aldri selvfølgelig, men i seg selv at er ikke engang eksternt en grunn til å slutte å ta fortjeneste. Den illusjonen om kontroll er en av de største løgnene som vårt ego forteller oss. Bare fordi vi har en grunnleggende forståelse av vårt univers, begynner vi plutselig at vi kan kontrollere Vi begynner å tro at vi kan kontrollere alt i våre liv I noen grad kan vi, men jo mer vi later som vi kan kontrollere alt, jo mer Universet sparker våre rum med uventede hendelser i form av det vi vanligvis kaller kriser. Leksjonen handler det ikke om å kontrollere bølgen, det handler om ri på det.2 Gjør og bruk et stoppfall. I tekniske termer betyr det at du må opprette et bestemt punkt der tapene dine vil bli stoppet, selv om du er rundt. Det er beløpet du er forpliktet til å miste i den handel. Mange nybegynnere bruker ikke stopp, og de brenner vanligvis sin konto i løpet av noen få dager, leser, går i stykker. Med livet betyr det at ingenting er verdt alt. Hvis du forplikte deg til en bestemt situasjon, til et bestemt prosjekt eller en karriere, betyr det ikke du må være der for alltid Lag en kort projeksjon av hva som er det verste som kan skje, i verre situasjon, og hold deg til planen Hvis skiten virkelig treffer viften, bare la det ikke vente til du er helt drenert eller dekket i skitt som jeg har vært før, og ikke bare en gang, på grunn av min overkommelige tilnærming. Det er en annen dag i morgen, vet du at.3 Plukk og hold fast med et fortjenestepunkt. I tekniske termer betyr det at du må skape et poeng i din posisjon, hvor det potensielle resultatet automatisk blir innbetalt i Hvis alt går i henhold til planen, det er mange nybegynnere, ikke bruk profitpoeng også, og det resulterer også i en akselerert utmattelse av sine kontoer. De tror at markedet vil bevege seg i sin retning for alltid. Selvfølgelig gjør det ikke t. What betyr dette i virkeligheten Det betyr at du må bremse dine forventninger På noe Det er godt å ha noen forventninger, bare for å kunne måle din innsats, men ikke hold pusten Hold alt i perspektiv og hold det gjennomsiktig også Don Ikke la andre folk tro på at du kommer til å være der for alltid, med mindre du selvfølgelig vil være der for alltid. Sett et bestemt punkt i fremtiden når du kan si det er alt jeg ønsket å gjøre med dette arbeidsforholdet experi ment Når du har nådd det punktet, innkjøp og gå videre. Når det gjelder personlig utvikling, å ha profittpoeng, er det som å si ok, jeg fikk lønnslisten min fra denne erfaringen, nå er det tid til å gå videre til neste. Emotions. Forex trading bør være en veldig frittliggende og kald aktivitet Alas, det er ikke Vi er mennesker Bortsett fra den enorme mengden informasjon som han må behandle, må en handelsmann også behandle og kontrollere sine følelser frustrasjon, frykt, grådighet, exhilaration De som kan mestre denne ferdigheten, er vanligvis vinnerne på dette feltet. Hva betyr det i virkeligheten Det betyr at følelser, like nyttige som de er som tilbakemelding, bør ikke brukes som eneste grunnlag for dine handlinger. En liten bit av kontroll må utøves kontinuerlig på følelser Ikke på hvordan de dannes, men på hvordan de forbereder virkelighetshandlingene dine Forestill deg noen som opptrer utelukkende på følelser Hvis han er frustrert, roper han, hvis han er glad, hopper han rundt Ingen bekymring overhodet for hans miljø eller konsekvensene av disse handlingene. Motjoner er grunnleggende for vår egen psykologiske balanse, og et sunt uttrykk for dem er ønsket. Men et liv levde bare på følelser, uten noen interesse for konsekvensene av våre handlinger, det vil være en veldig trist one.5 Gratulasjon er dårlig. Helt relatert til profittlæringen, men på en annen måte manifesterer Grådighet i en handel når handelen beveger seg i riktig retning, men handelsmannen vinner ikke penger og venter på større fortjeneste. Håper Markedet vil fortsette å bevege seg i sin retning nok til å skape en fortjeneste så stor fra denne unike handel at hele livet blir satt jeg overdriver, selvfølgelig. Grunn er når vi aldri sier takk for hva vi har, tar det for gitt Greed er når vi ikke gjør noe, men vi forventer alt Grådighet er når vi tror vi ikke har nok Grådighet er når vi nettopp vant t stoppe med mindre vi har flere og flere og flere og flere. I forex-verdenen er grådighet en av de to grunnene folk er å miste penger den andre er frykt, se nedenfor I virkeligheten er grådighet en av de to grunnene til at mennesker mister livet Livsdyktig, balansert liv.6 Frykt er dårlig. Når det gjelder forexhandel, viser frykt øyeblikket du lukker en transaksjon også snart får du ikke nok fortjeneste fra handelen. Frykt gjør at du mister penger ved ikke å gi deg penger nok av det du fortjener. Jeg husker at mange ganger jeg innkasserte i vei før handel skal nå min profittpoeng, bare for å være sikker på at jeg få noe. I virkeligheten oversetter dette til tillit Stol på at du dømmer et sett av omstendigheter, og stol på at du vil bli belønnet for det du er, ikke for din øyeblikkelige oppfatning. Stol på at ting vil til slutt gå som du oppgav. Som du kanskje ser , det krever mye arbeid for å balansere grådighet og frykt Begge er motorer i forex trading verden, og begge er å forme våre liv på et veldig dypt, noen ganger ubevisst nivå, hver dag. Jeg sier ikke det er lett å finne en balanse Men denne opplevelsen ce gjorde det så klart for meg at nå kan jeg bare ikke stoppe med å identifisere grådighet og frykt i nesten hvilken som helst sammenheng i livet mitt. Selvfølgelig er noen dager bedre enn andre. 7 Alt tar tid. I en handel kan du se mange svinger frem og tilbake Være med deg Før du stabiliserer på en trend, beveger markedet seg mange ganger. Så lenge du har beregnet dine risikoer riktig, og svingene er mellom din fortjeneste og stopper tapspunkter, har du egentlig ingenting å bekymre deg for. I livet der er mange oppturer og nedturer, men så lenge du er i den riktige retningen, og du stoler på deg selv helt om at du kommer dit Du kan ha mange omveier, mange stalled øyeblikk og noen ganger kan det virke som veien er Ikke ledende overalt. Men så lenge du har beregnet din risiko riktig, og livssvingninger er mellom hva du kan ta for tap og hva du kan svelge som en seier, så kommer du til slutt. 8 Ta Risks. You kan ikke spille trygt Det er ikke slikt som å spille trygt i forex trading virksomhet Du bør alltid dekke deg så mye du kan, men unngå å risikere alt sammen, vil aldri fungere. Det eneste øyeblikket du ikke risikerer i forex, er når du ikke har noen åpnet stilling. Som med andre ord betyr det at du ikke er spiller i det hele tatt. Det er det samme i livet Ingen risiko er lik ingen belønning Men, som mange av dere gjetter, måtte jeg ikke komme inn i forex trading for å lære at det jeg virkelig lært var noe mer subtilt, risikoen kan styres Hver risiko du tar kan beregnes og kan generere et bestemt sett med resultater. En annen måte å sette dette på er å lære å tenke i scenarier Hvis jeg risikerer det beløpet, vil denne tingen skje Hvis jeg risikerer det andre beløpet, vil et annet sett skje The result will be mind-blowing instead of feeling like an endless struggle, the life will start to feel like an off-road circuit Very, very difficult, but manageable, if you pay enough attention to all the bumps and to all the possible routes .9 Switch Focus. Don t get trapped in a single pa ttern or trade for the entire day Every trade should have a lifetime The longer you stay with a trade, or with a single way of trading a k a system , the deeper you ll sink a swamp of indecision, lack of orientation and, eventually, despair. When you get too trapped into something, being it a relationship, a business, a forex trade, you lose balance It s one of the most difficult things I had to reinforce through forex trading but it still pays off big time for me. As of today, I get to work on 3 big areas writing on this very blog, or just books , coding for WPSumo and iAdd at the time of writing this article and consulting in areas defined on the Work With Me page Whenever I feel trapped into one area, I switch At times, I can almost feel my brains oxygenating Note right now the third area is managing another business, called Connect Hub, a coworking space and event venue, and my coding activities are limited to what it takes to keep the blog afloat.10 Get Out Of Shit Fast. Staying in a losing trade and hoping for the market to recover is the worst thing you can do It s like staying in a relationship that proved to be wrong, and wait for the other person to change It will never happen Get out Of course, there will be losses But the sooner you get out of that losing trade, the smaller the losses will be. For me, that was the first big moment when I realized forex trading is a very, very difficult business, and you have to embrace it with a very clear mind and attitude I was guilty of clinging to the past Like the past was holding everything that my present needed Of course it wasn t true The past is dead. The only thing alive is now If a thing is going downhill in your life, and you feel you are just a victim of the circumstances , take a deep breath, cut the rope, let the rock fall and move again Believe me, the loss you re gonna get, in financial or emotional terms, is peanuts compared to the slavery you would inflict upon yourself by staying in that stupid relationsh ip, or job, or situation.11 You Don t Have To Be Right In Order To Win. This a very difficult lesson I d say that this may be the most difficult of all Because it challenges one of your deepest convictions, which is you have to be right in order for things to move the way you want But guess what, you don t need to be right Because life in itself isn t. How you really need to be is in sync Go with the flow In forex trading terms, this is usually said as the market is always right For instance, you may have all the reasons to predict that the market will go up, and yet, the market goes down You opened a bunch of long positions, based on the assumption that you re gonna be right Of course, you re not And you lose. All you had to do in order to win was to go with the market Or, if we re gonna use real life vocabulary, go with the flow.12 Things Are Not Always What They Seem To Be. I traded divergences heavily In technical terms, a divergence is an indicator of something going wrong with a tren d A divergence is formed when the price seems to go up, but the indicator tells you that this is not exactly right I won t go into details about why this is happening, enough to let you know that, sometimes, things are not what they seem to be. In real life, for instance, a business may show signs of going strong, with a lot of sales and good karma But behind the curtain things are not so good employees are ready to leave the board, or the intellectual property is much thinner than you thought, or, and that s the most common case, the product is already at the end of its life cycle. The fundamental lesson is to always look twice at a process being it a business, or a psychological process before deciding you re gonna embark on it, one way or another There might always be a divergence hidden way below the surface, waiting to hit you the moment you expect this the least. So, if forex trading is so interesting, why did I give up The short answer because I wasn t prepared The long answer beca use I wasn t prepared, and my emotional control was way below the required standards, and because I couldn t stick with a trading plan long enough to make it count, because I got too entrapped and unglued myself from the normal life yes, those guys with eyes almost closed, walking like zombies, I was one of them And because I decided it was enough of a lesson for the time being. Am I going to trade again The long answer provided that I have the right context, the right skills and the right attitude, I will certainly give it a try in the near future. The short answer yes It s way too much fun. Running For My Life - from zero to ultramarathoner. The spooky thing about depression is that it sneaks in There aren t really trumpets and loud voices announcing Hail, hail, this is depression entering the room, all rise Nope It s slow, silent, creepy It doesn t even look like depression It starts with small isolation thoughts like Maybe I shouldn t get out today, I just don t feel like going out And then it does the same next day And then the day after that and so on And then it starts to whisper louder and louder in your ears Why would you go outside, you loser Didn t have enough yet Want more people to make fun of how much of a big, fat loser you are. And then you start to breath in guilt and shame, instead of air Every breathe you take is putting more dark thoughts into your body. Until you get stuck You can t move anymore At all If you want to know how I got out of this space, eventually, check out my latest book on Amazon and Kindle. The guy who started all this Entrepreneur, ultra-marathoner, tanguero, father and risk taker I m blogging here, but I also spend a lot of time in this marvelous space You re invited, by the way. This Post Has 21 Comments. Im still a virgin but I am going to learn trading I will find my niche and be disciplined Im a little nervous, but mostly excited that this inspiration matches who I am I am very interested and and want to be really good at what it takes to do this As I am reading blogs and watching videos and learning of the different systems I know I will want to become well acquainted with, I came upon your insights and wanted to say thank you I am taking notes and really appreciate that you shared your ideas May I ask what system platform you liked to work with most back in the day when you traded lol How did you first get into it and how did you come to find the Forex to call home temporarily of course Thanks for your time Namaste. I used MetaTrader as a platform and mainly candlesticks and price action I got into it by curiosity and stayed there because of stubornness. Thanks for the highlights. I m trying to find connection between the problem retail traders face and my book which helps alleviates most of it. Lost aka regrets should have went it but didn t pull the trigger Should have taken the profits but didn t now negative Should have Because you didn t plan. Greed Play big and now lost so much Revenge trade immediately afte r you lost because you wanna make it back Because you didn t plan Plan what to do when you win Plan what to do when you lost. Fear You lost so much, you start to doubt You question your system You question your entry You expand your stoploss Because you didn t plan You didn t backtest You didn t invest in time to learn the skill rather you play with hope You play to make money. Thanks for the inside I really appreciated it It helps me understand the fear, how to and what if and fruits of labour. I m running a beta group Getting about 10 students to learn about trading Forex using just a smartphone The guarantee is a 100 return in 10 months or less. If you like I can offer a seat. Thank you for sharing your experience from your 6 months in forex trading. I like the way you write I do not agree with all of what you write, but that is not the point Good article. My point is that you have written a blog post, which is good for new traders because there are some universal issues at stake here Anot her thing I like about your sharing is this Even though you did not stay in the world of trading for a long time, you write about how trading made a huge impact on your way of thinking also on your life outside of trading That is a very positive thing. I will try to point out some of my thoughts about some of the issues you wrote about in your blog post. I believe it can help some of the new traders, who follow this particular blog post. First Two lines about myself I am a forex trader as well as an entrepreneur and teacher, currently living in Greenland. One of the most dangerous aspects of any kind of trading in the modern world is the very easy access Say a person like to become a trader, he can rush to the computer, open an account and buy a stock or some currency So 5 minutes after thinking I like to be a trader , you can trade Let s take the example a little further Let s say this person is lucky and he makes 5 trades with a nice profit the first day Now what will happen is this This person will feel he is really good at trading but he is not he was lucky So the problem here is this It is way too easy to start trading Most of the people have no clue of what they are doing when they go into trading In your blog post, you describe well the basic things about trading That is something we need to know, but we need to know something more and the very difficult thing about trading is that many of the crucial thing to learn are contra intuitive My intention here is not to go into that only to say that there is a big problem with this easy access to the markets today The consequences of this is that around 90 of all new traders lose 90 of their capital within the first 90 days This is called the 90 90 90 rule in trading But to me, it is nothing odd about almost everyone losing because generally people do not prepare for trading most people rush into it and trade for the thrill This is something we cannot give an adequate answer for, but I believe that about 90 of the info rmation about how to get started in trading is false or misguiding Just the fact that very few traders realize the conflict of interest between you as a trader and your broker When you go to a website of a broker, you will see the broker offer information on how to trade this is like saying to the wolf to take care of the sheep s To be a good trader, you will only take information from a source with whom you have no conflict of interest This does not mean that brokers are mean or something like that Just google a little bit, and you will see a lot of people claiming their broker chased their stop loss Maybe this can happen, but I believe that most of the time this should just be seen as frustrated traders, who blame a broker again as a consequence of the easy access to the markets, and as a consequence of the 90 90 90 rule In a business like this there will be a lot of angry clients you got out of trading at break even so you were one of the lucky once. Many people are left with nothing. Furthermore you write in your blog post, that you need to be connected to the markets non-stop Sunday to Friday this is not the way I would advise a new trader to do A broker would be happy for such a trader, because the more you trade, the more commission you pay to your broker And furthermore we know that it is way easier to get profitable in trading if you are trading on the bigger timeframes we do also know why so many new traders trade all the time, and on the smaller timeframes If you trade on the longer timeframes you do not feel the thrill the same way because there is much lesser action but this is very the big money are they are not on the smaller timeframes. One thing I sense in your blog post, and a fact that I like is that you have taken some experience from trading and used it in other areas of your life This is very positive. Many new traders are so obsessed with the money aspect in trading, that they totally forget the learning we can get from trading. The MOST important thing for a new trader to understand is this You are the asset in trading You are much more valuable than gold or anything else, if you realize that you are the real asset If you realize this, the first thing you will do, is to seek out proper knowledge about your business, e g trading because by increasing your knowledge, you are also increasing you value Whatever you invest in your own true financial education will come back to you manifold as long as you have a true understanding of the idea about you-as-the-asset. I agree very much with you about the fact that we cannot control the markets but that is no problem We can control ourselves, we can control how we position ourselves we can control when to trade, and when not to trade So as you say, it is very important to know what we can control. The next aspect you write about is take profit point this was interesting, because this is an aspect, which many people have studied, so we know some facts about this subject We do know that 80 of the traders take profit too early This means that chances are that you are closing a winning trade to early another interesting aspect with these studies was that most of the new traders did not want to close a losing position this is simple to understand and explain, the reason being the moment we close the position we have to admit we were wrong, as long as the position is on, we can say it will turn around again. This has to do with the next thing you write about, control of our emotions Many people write about this I believe there is a much better solution to this than to control our emotions What we can do is this We make all our decisions before we take a trade, e g when will I go in, when will I go out all of this After we have put on the trade, we leave the computer This is the great advantage of trading the longer timeframes You don t have to sit by the computer When we are in front of the charts, that is when our emotions are most difficult to control So by sitting less in front of the computer, we put less stress on ourselves. What you say about greed is interesting In my opinion, we should talk about two different ways of greed One is good greed and one is bad greed Good greed is when you like to do good for you and your family without hurting other people Bad greed is when you like to do well, even if you have to take advantage of other people Sure, there are a lot more bad than good greed in the world But to often we see people say greed is a bad thing I believe greed in the right form is very good It is to easy to get lazy if we don t have this positive greed. If a new trader has decided to stay in the game and go for the long run, then he should know that trading does not reward safe play if you do not risk anything, then you cannot win anything But this is not the same as saying trading is like gambling The good trader knows how to control risk The good trader know how to control leverage and take advantage of that Let s take another example Let s s ay you like to fly an airplane This would be very risky unless you are pilot but for the pilot it is not risky because he has been trained in controlling the risk. We can say by using the idea of break even the proper way you are bringing down the risk very much, if you are well educated, financially and you know what you are doing, and why you are doing it, your chances of building your account are much bigger if and when you use, and know how to trade with the concept of break even. In the end, we have to remember the fact that trading is a probability business It is not about being right, it is about consistently doing the right thing Most of the time the right thing is very simple but not easy to execute At the end of the blog post you said you were not prepared Most people never get to this insight, so that is great to see. God luck with you blog you page is great and I like your clean and easy design. Cheers, Jonbert Davidsen. The Risks of Currency Trading. Keep a nation s economic and political circumstances into account before executing a currency trade that involves it Getty Images. Taking a do-it-yourself approach to foreign exchange investing resembles a stab at handling your own plumbing You may be able to do it, and perhaps do it well But that doesn t mean you should, especially when the chances of springing a leak, or flooding your financial foundation, run high. For do-it-yourself investors, forecasting in and attempting to profit from movements in currencies can be difficult and dangerous, says Joe Jennings, senior vice president of PNC Wealth Management in Baltimore Without the proper tools, placing money in strategies attempting to profit from such moves boils down to speculation, not investment. That said, the game proves tempting for some, and can possibly be won with educated guidance and lots of homework, says Chris Gaffney, president of EverBank World Markets and based in St Louis We like to look at currencies as the stock of a country, and therefore suggest investors look at the underlying fundamentals of the representative country. Here are 10 factors to consider as you contemplate leaping into foreign exchange investing, also known as forex investing. Political plays have a role As with any international investment, currency value will bear some correlation to the internal conditions of a given nation Understand the political, economic and institutional setting in which a given currency trades, says Werner Bonadurer, clinical professor of finance at Arizona State University s W P Carey School of Business It still doesn t make DIY trading a great idea, but it could tip the knowledge base in your favor. Central banks take center stage The monetary policies central banks set have a direct correlation to how currencies perform Central banks make the rules, and we are all cooking in their kitchen, says Lennon Sweeting, corporate dealer with USForex, an international currency payments provider, based in Toronto He cites this real-time example of central banks in action The U S Federal Reserve is close to tightening monetary policy, while other central banks are loosening policy and creating an easy-money environment This divergence should see global major currencies lose value, while tightening policy in the U S should see the greenback gain. One banking superstar can make a difference Do you remember how much Democrats and Republicans loved former U S Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan You could compare him to Raghuram Rajan, governor of the Reserve Bank of India He already had a stellar track record as a chief economist for the International Monetary Fund and a University of Chicago finance professor. After taking office, Rajan s strategy was straightforward Reduce current account deficits, lower inflation and implement monetary reforms, Gaffney says He s a year and a half into his appointment, and the numbers are clearly headed in his favor Those numbers include an over 30 percent drop in the inflation rate over the past 16 months and huge increases in foreign investment in the first weeks of 2015, which are both robust signs of an economy and currency on the move. Try foreign exchange through exchange-traded funds As securities that track a commodity or asset group, ETFs often prove a profitable favorite for self-directed investors For those looking to get into the forex market but don t have time to get trained, I d encourage using the low leverage of currency ETFs, says John O Donnell, chief knowledge officer of the Online Trading Academy, based in Irvine, California These can invest in either a single currency or a basket of currencies He adds that currency ETFs can help new tra ders capitalize on the potential benefits of foreign exchange, as they hedge risk through diversification. Treat currencies like small change Although an upswing in a currency can reap handsome profits, the sector remains volatile because unpredictable market forces can act like gale-force winds They should be a small part of every portfolio, due to the fact that they re almost entirely noncorrelated to the stock, bond and commodity market, says Jeffrey Sica, president, CEO and chief investment officer of Circle Squared Alternative Investments in Morristown, New Jersey How much is the wisest percentage No more than 10 percent, he says. The long haul may prove better than average Financial experts talk about a process known as mean reverting, where prices and returns eventually move back toward an average With currencies, that average could climb over time if economic growth increases but that s a big if In the long run, currency movements should be mean-reverting, while shorter-term move s can be difficult to exploit, Jennings says. Don t get carried away with uncovered carry trading Currency traders embrace the carry-trading strategy because it allows them to borrow in a low-yielding currency and invest in a high-yielding one Too many investors fall in love with it and don t account sufficiently for the risk of the short or the borrowing currency to appreciate over time, Bonadurer says As someone said, Carry trading is like picking up nickels in front of a steamroller You ll get hit at some point in time. Speed is not what you need Trying to beat the undulations of a currency over a span of hours or days is especially dangerous The foreign exchange market moves very quickly, says Lance Roberts, editor at and chief economist, strategist and partner at STA Wealth Management in Houston Unless you are someone who sits in front of a screen and watches it tick by tick, you might make an investment, and an hour later be deeply in the red. Leave your emotions at the door Rooting for a favorite currency against all logic or evidence and hoping for a comeback is a lot like rooting for the Chicago Cubs Investors behavioral biases and emotions cloud their judgment and lead them to lose money in the forex market, says Robert Johnson, president and CEO of The American College for Financial Services in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Specifically, a currency investor will take a position and find the market moving against them They have a loss, but don t want to close it out because they ll have to admit that they made a mistake Such investors fall prey to get-even-itis The result They lose more money than if they d stuck to sound investment logic. The big boys can fail, too For decades, FX Concepts of New York City ruled the roost as the undisputed king of forex hedge funds Yet after managing more than 14 billion in 2007, FX Concepts went bankrupt in October 2013, which was largely the result of central banks devaluing their currencies Thus, the fund, which once boasted thr ee dozen information technology and research employees alone, along with statistics gurus, found that its proprietary currency models didn t work anymore It s hard to tell which might ve crashed first the forex investments or the FX computers. The currency game is one you can win, but prepare to hang in there for the long run Sica predicted in a January U S News article, 10 Investments for High Rollers , that the dollar would strengthen against the euro, which came true with the news Tuesday that the euro had reached 1 08, its lowest point in more than a decade But Sica adds that he d been waiting for such an outcome for close to four years. Corrected on March 12, 2015 A previous version of this story misquoted Werner Bonadurer. Lou Carlozo managing editor for the Bank Administration Institute, is a U S News World Report investment contributor who has covered a wide range of topics ranging from analysis of quarterly reports for Apple APPL , Netflix NFLX and Tesla Motors TSLA to baffling n ature of Wall Street jargon An award-winning journalist, he served as an editor, syndicated weekly columnist and writing coach at the Chicago Tribune, where he worked for 16 years He was also managing editor for Aol s personal finance team, a full-time contributor to Reuters Money and a weekly columnist for Money Under 30 His recent piece on Laughter and Sales was selected as one of the 10 Best Blogs of the Decade by The author of a journalism textbook and an accomplished music producer studio musician, he resides in Chicago with his wife and two children, just a long fly ball from Wrigley Field. Recommended Articles.12 Things I Learned By Being A Forex Trader. For the last 6 months, I ve been a forex trader I started this experience by curiosity, pretty hastily, to be honest, and ended it up abruptly hopefully, you ll realize why by reading this article It was by far one of the most exhilarating, exciting, emotionally consuming and useful in terms of lessons learned episodes of my life It was also one of the most difficult endeavors I ever started, in terms of energy and effort. What follows is a little list of all the things I learned during these 6 months But before diving into it, a few introductory words, for those who have no idea what forex trading is in the first place If you do have an idea about forex trading, you can safely skip the next two paragraphs. Forex Trading A Primer. Forex means foreign exchange rates, and forex trading means buying or selling foreign currencies in pairs If public companies have shares that you can freely buy and sell on the market, then countries have currencies That s the easiest way to understand a currency it s the value of that country in pretty much the same way a share represents the value of a company. Now, a company share value is an expression of what people agree to pay for it, based on a number of criteria company performance, brand power, rumors and so on. Consequently, a country currency is evaluated against another count ry currency, based upon a set of criteria too the economical situation of both countries, political news, media manipulation and so on. In forex, you trade pairs, like selling EUR and getting USD, for instance There are a few major pairs, EURUSD being one of them, then there are what they usually call crosses , or secondary pairs In the majors, you find all the big players GBP british pound, also known as cable , JPY the Yen , CHF the Swiss franc and so on I only traded majors, crosses have usually a lower liquidity. Very simply put, forex trading means you can do only 2 things with these pairs you can either buy some, or sell some Using whatever capital you want to invest, that is If you buy, then you expect the price of your pair to be bigger in a certain amount of time You call that appreciation In other words, you expect to get a profit because you predict the price of your currency will be higher If you sell, then you expect the price of your currency to drop You call this depreciat ion So basically, you will make a profit by buying back your pair when it will be cheaper then it was when you sold it. Each trade is usually called position You open a position at a certain price, and set your attitude if you buy, the jargon says you go long , if you sell, the jargon says you go short hence the expression of heavily shorting a currency, meaning selling it because of its imminent depreciation. Once opened, each position will generate a profit or a loss, depending on your choice long or short and on how the market moves Let s say you opened a long position on EURUSD for 100 , which gave you 80 EUR The market goes up, so now for your initial investment, you can get back 90 EUR If you close your position also known as take profit , you are 10 EUR richer Suppose the market goes down and your position is now worth 70 EUR If you close your position also known as stop loss in this case you re 10 EUR shorter You just lost 10 EUR. In a nutshell, that s pretty much all there is to be known about forex trading, at least in order to understand the rest of the article Of course, these paragraphs are only scratching the surface literally, the amount of information about forex is ginormous There are a lot of other things to be known or learned, from technical analysis, like candlestick charting, price actions, and so on , up to the trading mindset, like avoiding revenge trades, sticking to a trading plan and so on This post is not intended as resource for those who want to embrace forex trading I m not sure I want to write such a post now but merely as a way to integrate this specific experience in my lifestyle If you re considering opening a trading account Fx Pro give some helpful information. Forex Trading The Activity. The first thing you need to know about actually trading forex is that this is a 5-days-in-a-row type of activity It starts Monday at 0 00 and ends Friday at 23 59 During this time, you are almost 100 connected to the market There are few financial hu bs involved in the process, and the most important are for those trading the majors, that is London Stock Exchange, New York Exchange and Tokyo Exchange Forex trading never really stops, so as the world goes round, the price will also be influenced by the specifics of the prevailing financial hubs The most important part of the day traditionally is the overlapping time between London and New York, because you can allegedly get the highest liquidity, hence the most predictable models. There are 3 types of information which are influencing this market technical analysis, fundamental analysis and news Technical analysis tries to isolate recurrent or predictable patterns based on past behavior Fundamental analysis tries to connect the major economical indicators to the value of the currency from GDP variations, up to more obscure economical data News are pretty much created by media and politics and these are the most spiky ones, meaning they are creating abrupt variations, making it easy t o be caught with your pants off, so to speak. I traded mainly on technical analysis Meaning I tried to understand chart variations, different price actions and other representation models Seemed the safest one for me There are heavy advocates of the fundamental trading, as well as the news trading In the end, it s just a choice. Trading by technical analysis means also that I had to spend a lot of time studying charts and trying to create reliable predictions In itself, this activity was very rewarding I learned tremendously and many things I discovered during this process would have never entered my universe, without the risk taken to just dive in For instance, I learned a lot about harmonic patterns , which are a way to graphically isolate in various patterns, like the butterfly pattern , for instance the behavior of the market This stuff only can be applied in many areas of my life. Now, you have a bit of an understanding of what forex trading means It s time to move on to the actual l essons learned by being a forex trader.1 You Can t Control Your Life, But You Still Can Take Some Profit From It. Nobody can control the markets But there are a few who are taking a profit from them That s one of the first a-ha moments any trader stumble upon It s also one of the hardest to grasp. In terms of personal development, that s another way to say that life is not fair It never was, of course But, in itself, that s not even remotely a reason to stop taking profit from it. The illusion of control is one of the biggest lies our ego tells us Just because we have a basic understanding of our universe, all of a sudden, we start pretending that we can control it We start to believe that we can control everything in our lives To some extent, we can But the more we pretend we can control everything, the more the Universe is kicking our butts with unexpected events in the form of what we usually call crises. The lesson it s not about controlling the wave, it s about riding it.2 Make And Us e A Stop Loss. In technical terms, that means you have to create a specific point at which your losses will be stopped, even if you are around It s the amount you re committed to lose in that trade Many beginners don t use stops, and they usually burn their account within a few days read go broken. In terms of life that means nothing is worth everything If you commit to a certain situation, to a certain project, or career, that doesn t mean you have to stay there forever Make a short projection of what is the worst that may happen, in the worse scenario, and stick with your plan If the shit really hits the fan, just leave Don t wait until you re completely drained out Or covered in shit as I ve been before, and not only once, because of my overcommitting approach. There s another day tomorrow, you know that.3 Pick And Stick With A Take Profit Point. In technical terms, it means you have to create a point in your position, where the potential profit will be automatically cashed in If everyt hing goes according to the plan, that is Many beginners don t use take profit points too, and that also results in an accelerated depletion of their accounts They think the market will move in their direction for ever Of course it doesn t. What does this mean in real life It means you have to curb down your expectations On anything It s good to have some expectations, just to be able to measure your efforts, but don t hold your breath Keep everything in perspective And keep it transparent too Don t let other people believe you re gonna be there forever unless, of course, you do want to be there forever Set a certain point in the future when you ll be able to say that s all that I wanted to do with this job relationship experiment Once you reached that point, cash in and move on. In terms of personal development, having take profit points it s like saying ok, I got my paycheck from this experience, now time to move on to the next one.4 Control Your Emotions. Forex trading should be a very detached and cold activity Alas, it isn t We re human beings Apart from the enormous amount of information that he has to process, a trader must also process and control his emotions frustration, fear, greed, exhilaration Those who can master this skill are usually the winners in this field. What does it means in real life It means that emotions, as useful as they are as a feedback mechanism, shouldn t be used as the sole foundation for your actions A little bit of control must be exerted continuously on emotions Not on how they are formed, but on how they are shaping your real life actions Imagine someone acting exclusively on emotions If he s frustrated, he yells, if he s happy, he jumps around No concern whatsoever for his environment, or for the consequences of these actions. Emotions are fundamental for our own psychological balance and a healthy expression of them is desired But a life lived on emotions only, without any interest whatsoever for the consequences of our actions, that will be a very sad one.5 Greed Is Bad. Closely related to the take profit lesson, but in a different way Greed manifests in a trade when the trade is moving in the right direction, but the trader won t cash in, waiting for a bigger profit Hoping the market will continue to move in his direction enough to generate a profit so big from this unique trade, that his entire life will be set I m exaggerating, of course. Greed is when we never say thank you for what we have, taking it for granted Greed is when we do nothing, but we expect everything Greed is when we think we don t have enough Greed is when we just won t stop unless we have more and more and more and more. In the forex world, greed is one of the two reasons people are losing money the other one being fear, see below In real world, greed is one of the two reasons people are losing life Livable, balanced life.6 Fear Is Bad. In terms of forex trading, fear manifests the moment you close a transaction too soon, hence not getting enoug h profit from your trades Fear makes you lose money by not letting yourself cash enough of what you deserve I remember that many times I cashed in way before the trade has to reach my take profit point, just to be sure I get something. In real life, this translates into trust Trust that you judged a set of circumstances well Trust that you will be rewarded for what you are, not for your momentarily perception Trust that things will eventually go as you stated. As you may see, it takes a lot of work to balance greed and fear Both are the engines of the forex trading world, and both are shaping our lives at a very deep, sometimes unconscious level, each and every day. I m not saying it s easy to strike a balance But this experience made it so obvious to me that now I simply can t stop identifying greed and fear in almost any context of my life Of course, some days are better than others.7 Everything Takes Time. During a trade you may see a lot of swings back and forth Stay with it Before sta bilizing on a trend, the market moves many times As long as you calculated your risks right, and the swings are between your take profit and stop loss points, you really have nothing to worry about. In life there are many ups and downs, but as long as you re in the right direction and you trust yourself totally about that you ll get there You may have a lot of detours, a lot of stalled moments and sometimes, it may seem that the road is not leading you anywhere. But, as long as you calculated your risks right, and the life swings are between what you can take for a loss and what you can swallow as a victory, eventually, you ll get there.8 Take Risks. You can t play safe There s no such thing as playing safe in the forex trading business You should always cover your ass as much as you can, but avoiding risk all together will never work The only moment when you don t risk in forex is when you don t have any opened position Which, in other terms, means you re not playing at all. It s the same thing in life No risk equals no reward But, as many of you are guessing, I didn t have to get into forex trading to learn that What I really learned was something more subtle the risk can be managed Every risk you take can be calculated and can generate a certain set of results. Another way to put this is learn to think in scenarios If I risk that amount, this thing will happen If I risk the other amount, another set of things will happen The result will be mind-blowing instead of feeling like an endless struggle, the life will start to feel like an off-road circuit Very, very difficult, but manageable, if you pay enough attention to all the bumps and to all the possible routes.9 Switch Focus. Don t get trapped in a single pattern or trade for the entire day Every trade should have a lifetime The longer you stay with a trade, or with a single way of trading a k a system , the deeper you ll sink a swamp of indecision, lack of orientation and, eventually, despair. When you get too trapped into something, being it a relationship, a business, a forex trade, you lose balance It s one of the most difficult things I had to reinforce through forex trading but it still pays off big time for me. As of today, I get to work on 3 big areas writing on this very blog, or just books , coding for WPSumo and iAdd at the time of writing this article and consulting in areas defined on the Work With Me page Whenever I feel trapped into one area, I switch At times, I can almost feel my brains oxygenating Note right now the third area is managing another business, called Connect Hub, a coworking space and event venue, and my coding activities are limited to what it takes to keep the blog afloat.10 Get Out Of Shit Fast. Staying in a losing trade and hoping for the market to recover is the worst thing you can do It s like staying in a relationship that proved to be wrong, and wait for the other person to change It will never happen Get out Of course, there will be losses But the sooner you get out of that losing trade, the smaller the losses will be. For me, that was the first big moment when I realized forex trading is a very, very difficult business, and you have to embrace it with a very clear mind and attitude I was guilty of clinging to the past Like the past was holding everything that my present needed Of course it wasn t true The past is dead. The only thing alive is now If a thing is going downhill in your life, and you feel you are just a victim of the circumstances , take a deep breath, cut the rope, let the rock fall and move again Believe me, the loss you re gonna get, in financial or emotional terms, is peanuts compared to the slavery you would inflict upon yourself by staying in that stupid relationship, or job, or situation.11 You Don t Have To Be Right In Order To Win. This a very difficult lesson I d say that this may be the most difficult of all Because it challenges one of your deepest convictions, which is you have to be right in order for things to move th e way you want But guess what, you don t need to be right Because life in itself isn t. How you really need to be is in sync Go with the flow In forex trading terms, this is usually said as the market is always right For instance, you may have all the reasons to predict that the market will go up, and yet, the market goes down You opened a bunch of long positions, based on the assumption that you re gonna be right Of course, you re not And you lose. All you had to do in order to win was to go with the market Or, if we re gonna use real life vocabulary, go with the flow.12 Things Are Not Always What They Seem To Be. I traded divergences heavily In technical terms, a divergence is an indicator of something going wrong with a trend A divergence is formed when the price seems to go up, but the indicator tells you that this is not exactly right I won t go into details about why this is happening, enough to let you know that, sometimes, things are not what they seem to be. In real life, for inst ance, a business may show signs of going strong, with a lot of sales and good karma But behind the curtain things are not so good employees are ready to leave the board, or the intellectual property is much thinner than you thought, or, and that s the most common case, the product is already at the end of its life cycle. The fundamental lesson is to always look twice at a process being it a business, or a psychological process before deciding you re gonna embark on it, one way or another There might always be a divergence hidden way below the surface, waiting to hit you the moment you expect this the least. So, if forex trading is so interesting, why did I give up The short answer because I wasn t prepared The long answer because I wasn t prepared, and my emotional control was way below the required standards, and because I couldn t stick with a trading plan long enough to make it count, because I got too entrapped and unglued myself from the normal life yes, those guys with eyes almost closed, walking like zombies, I was one of them And because I decided it was enough of a lesson for the time being. Am I going to trade again The long answer provided that I have the right context, the right skills and the right attitude, I will certainly give it a try in the near future. The short answer yes It s way too much fun. Running For My Life - from zero to ultramarathoner. The spooky thing about depression is that it sneaks in There aren t really trumpets and loud voices announcing Hail, hail, this is depression entering the room, all rise Nope It s slow, silent, creepy It doesn t even look like depression It starts with small isolation thoughts like Maybe I shouldn t get out today, I just don t feel like going out And then it does the same next day And then the day after that and so on And then it starts to whisper louder and louder in your ears Why would you go outside, you loser Didn t have enough yet Want more people to make fun of how much of a big, fat loser you are. And the n you start to breath in guilt and shame, instead of air Every breathe you take is putting more dark thoughts into your body. Until you get stuck You can t move anymore At all If you want to know how I got out of this space, eventually, check out my latest book on Amazon and Kindle. The guy who started all this Entrepreneur, ultra-marathoner, tanguero, father and risk taker I m blogging here, but I also spend a lot of time in this marvelous space You re invited, by the way. This Post Has 21 Comments. Im still a virgin but I am going to learn trading I will find my niche and be disciplined Im a little nervous, but mostly excited that this inspiration matches who I am I am very interested and and want to be really good at what it takes to do this As I am reading blogs and watching videos and learning of the different systems I know I will want to become well acquainted with, I came upon your insights and wanted to say thank you I am taking notes and really appreciate that you shared your ide as May I ask what system platform you liked to work with most back in the day when you traded lol How did you first get into it and how did you come to find the Forex to call home temporarily of course Thanks for your time Namaste. I used MetaTrader as a platform and mainly candlesticks and price action I got into it by curiosity and stayed there because of stubornness. Thanks for the highlights. I m trying to find connection between the problem retail traders face and my book which helps alleviates most of it. Lost aka regrets should have went it but didn t pull the trigger Should have taken the profits but didn t now negative Should have Because you didn t plan. Greed Play big and now lost so much Revenge trade immediately after you lost because you wanna make it back Because you didn t plan Plan what to do when you win Plan what to do when you lost. Fear You lost so much, you start to doubt You question your system You question your entry You expand your stoploss Because you didn t plan Y ou didn t backtest You didn t invest in time to learn the skill rather you play with hope You play to make money. Thanks for the inside I really appreciated it It helps me understand the fear, how to and what if and fruits of labour. I m running a beta group Getting about 10 students to learn about trading Forex using just a smartphone The guarantee is a 100 return in 10 months or less. If you like I can offer a seat. Thank you for sharing your experience from your 6 months in forex trading. I like the way you write I do not agree with all of what you write, but that is not the point Good article. My point is that you have written a blog post, which is good for new traders because there are some universal issues at stake here Another thing I like about your sharing is this Even though you did not stay in the world of trading for a long time, you write about how trading made a huge impact on your way of thinking also on your life outside of trading That is a very positive thing. I will try to point out some of my thoughts about some of the issues you wrote about in your blog post. I believe it can help some of the new traders, who follow this particular blog post. First Two lines about myself I am a forex trader as well as an entrepreneur and teacher, currently living in Greenland. One of the most dangerous aspects of any kind of trading in the modern world is the very easy access Say a person like to become a trader, he can rush to the computer, open an account and buy a stock or some currency So 5 minutes after thinking I like to be a trader , you can trade Let s take the example a little further Let s say this person is lucky and he makes 5 trades with a nice profit the first day Now what will happen is this This person will feel he is really good at trading but he is not he was lucky So the problem here is this It is way too easy to start trading Most of the people have no clue of what they are doing when they go into trading In your blog post, you describe well the basic things about trading That is something we need to know, but we need to know something more and the very difficult thing about trading is that many of the crucial thing to learn are contra intuitive My intention here is not to go into that only to say that there is a big problem with this easy access to the markets today The consequences of this is that around 90 of all new traders lose 90 of their capital within the first 90 days This is called the 90 90 90 rule in trading But to me, it is nothing odd about almost everyone losing because generally people do not prepare for trading most people rush into it and trade for the thrill This is something we cannot give an adequate answer for, but I believe that about 90 of the information about how to get started in trading is false or misguiding Just the fact that very few traders realize the conflict of interest between you as a trader and your broker When you go to a website of a broker, you will see the broker offer information on how to trade this is like saying to the wolf to take care of the sheep s To be a good trader, you will only take information from a source with whom you have no conflict of interest This does not mean that brokers are mean or something like that Just google a little bit, and you will see a lot of people claiming their broker chased their stop loss Maybe this can happen, but I believe that most of the time this should just be seen as frustrated traders, who blame a broker again as a consequence of the easy access to the markets, and as a consequence of the 90 90 90 rule In a business like this there will be a lot of angry clients you got out of trading at break even so you were one of the lucky once. Many people are left with nothing. Furthermore you write in your blog post, that you need to be connected to the markets non-stop Sunday to Friday this is not the way I would advise a new trader to do A broker would be happy for such a trader, because the more you trade, the more commission you pay to your broker And furthermore we know that it is way easier to get profitable in trading if you are trading on the bigger timeframes we do also know why so many new traders trade all the time, and on the smaller timeframes If you trade on the longer timeframes you do not feel the thrill the same way because there is much lesser action but this is very the big money are they are not on the smaller timeframes. One thing I sense in your blog post, and a fact that I like is that you have taken some experience from trading and used it in other areas of your life This is very positive. Many new traders are so obsessed with the money aspect in trading, that they totally forget the learning we can get from trading. The MOST important thing for a new trader to understand is this You are the asset in trading You are much more valuable than gold or anything else, if you realize that you are the real asset If you realize this, the first thing you will do, is to seek out proper knowledge about your b usiness, e g trading because by increasing your knowledge, you are also increasing you value Whatever you invest in your own true financial education will come back to you manifold as long as you have a true understanding of the idea about you-as-the-asset. I agree very much with you about the fact that we cannot control the markets but that is no problem We can control ourselves, we can control how we position ourselves we can control when to trade, and when not to trade So as you say, it is very important to know what we can control. The next aspect you write about is take profit point this was interesting, because this is an aspect, which many people have studied, so we know some facts about this subject We do know that 80 of the traders take profit too early This means that chances are that you are closing a winning trade to early another interesting aspect with these studies was that most of the new traders did not want to close a losing position this is simple to understand and exp lain, the reason being the moment we close the position we have to admit we were wrong, as long as the position is on, we can say it will turn around again. This has to do with the next thing you write about, control of our emotions Many people write about this I believe there is a much better solution to this than to control our emotions What we can do is this We make all our decisions before we take a trade, e g when will I go in, when will I go out all of this After we have put on the trade, we leave the computer This is the great advantage of trading the longer timeframes You don t have to sit by the computer When we are in front of the charts, that is when our emotions are most difficult to control So by sitting less in front of the computer, we put less stress on ourselves. What you say about greed is interesting In my opinion, we should talk about two different ways of greed One is good greed and one is bad greed Good greed is when you like to do good for you and your family witho ut hurting other people Bad greed is when you like to do well, even if you have to take advantage of other people Sure, there are a lot more bad than good greed in the world But to often we see people say greed is a bad thing I believe greed in the right form is very good It is to easy to get lazy if we don t have this positive greed. If a new trader has decided to stay in the game and go for the long run, then he should know that trading does not reward safe play if you do not risk anything, then you cannot win anything But this is not the same as saying trading is like gambling The good trader knows how to control risk The good trader know how to control leverage and take advantage of that Let s take another example Let s say you like to fly an airplane This would be very risky unless you are pilot but for the pilot it is not risky because he has been trained in controlling the risk. We can say by using the idea of break even the proper way you are bringing down the risk very much, if you are well educated, financially and you know what you are doing, and why you are doing it, your chances of building your account are much bigger if and when you use, and know how to trade with the concept of break even. In the end, we have to remember the fact that trading is a probability business It is not about being right, it is about consistently doing the right thing Most of the time the right thing is very simple but not easy to execute At the end of the blog post you said you were not prepared Most people never get to this insight, so that is great to see. God luck with you blog you page is great and I like your clean and easy design. Cheers, Jonbert Davidsen.

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